AES C.A.R.E.S. about our community. Giving back is one of our Core Values here at AES! The AES C.A.R.E.S. Team is a community outreach program where our employees come together to brainstorm and plan ideas of ways we can get involved and make meaningful contributions to the communities in which we live and work.

Each letter in the word C.A.R.E.S. represents one of the five areas of focus that our team has chosen to prioritize in serving our greater community:
We have facilitated several different outreach efforts through the efforts of our AES C.A.R.E.S. Team in recent years, including food drives, hurricane emergency relief drives, various fundraisers for other community initiatives, and more.

We hosted school supply drives for a number of local schools. The supplies gathered were distributed to students from low-income areas where families often can’t afford to purchase basic school supplies.

Our team held internal fundraisers, including pizza lunches and mini raffles among the AES staff. These efforts resulted in $1,500.00 being raised and contributed to the Shepherd’s House, a homeless shelter based in Mount Airy, NC.

We collected supplies for The Shepherd’s House as well. Employees donated trash bags, needed cleaning supplies, and other essential items.

The pizza lunch and raffle fundraisers mentioned above also raised $1,500.00 to support the efforts of our local Habitat for Humanity chapter.

Our employees also participate in fundraisers for the North Carolina Autism Society, and have joined in the annual Walk for Autism held locally.